Thursday, September 16, 2010

Relapse society

Could it be my worst fear is STILL not yet over? relapse of an unsettled fetish maybe? god..i dont even wanna know..or question or anything...

All these numbers showing up on that phone of after another...n today not being able to sleep...something just aint right....
It just makes me wonder...(here comes a big blow to the ego and self-confidence) but...what could it be that they have that i dont? what havent i done enough of?

its got my nerves going on rewind at the moment and its just killing me..

pls dont do this...but if you are...tell me...and i shall leave u u...can get to ur foreign women in other countries...without me hassling you......and if that really is what u want for urself...please..above all...tell me what they have that i dont...and what didnt i do that wasnt enough...what did i ever do to cause u do me?


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