Monday, May 18, 2009

19 may update

I bought a jerboa last week aka: kangaroo sooo adorable...i love it...its ike a hamster with really long back legs, and short front hands....and huge eyes that make it even more adorable, its now considered mine n khalis's child...we both look after feels really nice...
everything has been so swet and breezy lately...iv been so happy and glad to be in the place i am right now, i appreciate so much the things around me so much more and what i have..i have been spending enough time with my little twin brothers who are in fact huge...they are starting college soon, it was just yesterday i can remember when they were time flies huh, i love being close to them n them opening up 2 me about stuff, asking questions n all i love being the oldest 2 be honest...
comes with a few tweaks tho, being blamed, always being the dissapointment somehow...but i love it..i feel very motherly..
im in love deep deep love right now, i love him, his family, my family everything around me...i love how i feel loved and appreciated...
i still love the phone calls from mia telling me gossip n whats going on
im at a stage feeling very protective of the people around me at the moment, i feel like i just cant let anything fuck it all up...i have my friends, i love them, i have my perfect boyfriend, i love him very much, my family..i love them more than everything...not that my life is perfect, im just extremely-large-scale-more than comfortably content with the goings-on n all...
i want to thank god, for putting all my missing pieces ito my puzzle.
tq.. :)

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