Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Unexpected.. or expected?

Sometimes we wake up in the morning, do the same routine, sometimes even the same clothes, shower with the same shower gel, and get in the car at the same time, day in and day out.
But what we hardly question is WHY, why do we do the same thing everytime when it comes to our responsibilities? could it be due to saving time? could it be because thats the expectation we have towards achieving our wants and needs? or is it simply because we are afraid of the change itself.

But this can apply in the working shirts or the bums that sit on the couch everyday watching the same things on tv as if there was only 1 channel. We tend to get so comfortable with things being the way they are, what we are used to, that when change comes about, be it expected or not, we HISS and become sqeamish at the very thought, even though it may actually be good for us.
Some of us are happy to do the same things day in day out, some of us require constant changes in order to keep motivated. But! wether or not the change is good, its a matter of wether we can accept it or not, like it or lump it. Routine can be such a drag sometimes, so its only in our power to make the routine more exciting or bearable. I, myself am a character that resists change, reluctant to go very far from my comfort zone, even though i know change will be good now and then. Dont get me wrong i do make changes to better myself or that around me if i must, the good change i dont mind that i am able to have some sort of control over, its the changes that disrupt my routine and my mind that i dislike.

i guess only time will tell. maybe the cards will just change before i can even sense it.
who knows...i might like it.. then again..... i might not..
its all in gods hands..

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